I am a small business bookkeeper, offering online bookkeeping services.  Advanced certified QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor

I am a full-service, outsourced bookkeeper for small business owners. I work to streamline finances and get back valuable time. As a part of your team, we will create a customized package to target the unique needs of your business.


  • Bachelor’s of Arts in Communication - University of Washington, Tacoma

  • Professional Bookkeeping Certificate - Auburn University

  • Advanced Certified QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor

  • QuickBooks Payroll Certified

  • Gusto People Advisor Certified

I am a small business bookkeeper, offering online bookkeeping services.  Advanced certified QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor


I am Katrina Torres, owner and bookkeeper at KDT Bookkeeping, LLC. I am based in Alexandria, Virginia where I live with my husband and two children. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, gardening, reading, and exploring with my kids!


“Katrina has been a value to my business. She’s thorough and complete. I’m VERY happy with my experience. I’d highly recommend her.”

— Gena M.

“Katrina has been a great team member to have in my business. She is professional, patient, resourceful, and dependable. I couldn't be happier with my decision to hire her..”

— SLP Solutions


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